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Sensory Bottle/Calm Down Bottle


Sensory bottles, also known as calm-down bottles or relaxation bottles, are a popular sensory tool used with children (also a great tools for adults). When shaken, they create a visually appealing and soothing sensory experience. Using sensory sensory bottles provide the following:

Emotional Regulation: Glitter sensory bottles can help children regulate their emotions by providing a calming and soothing effect. Watching the glitter slowly settle can help them focus and manage feelings of anxiety, stress, or frustration.

Attention and Focus: Sensory bottles can aid in improving a child’s attention span and concentration. As they watch the glitter particles move and settle, it encourages them to stay engaged and focused on the present moment.

Relaxation and Stress Relief: The slow and mesmerising movement of the glitter can promote relaxation and stress relief. Children can use these bottles as a tool to unwind and reduce feelings of tension.

Mindfulness Practice: Using a sensory bottle can introduce children to the concept of mindfulness. It encourages them to observe the glitter’s movement without judgment, helping them become more aware of their thoughts and surroundings.

Calming Strategy: Sensory bottles can be an effective tool for managing sensory overload or overstimulation. Children who are sensitive to sensory input can use these bottles as a calming strategy to find comfort and balance.

Self-Soothing: Learning to use sensory tools like glitter bottles can empower children to develop self-soothing techniques. They can learn to manage their emotions and find comfort independently.

Visual Stimulation: Glitter sensory bottles offer a visually stimulating experience, which can be particularly engaging and beneficial for children who are visual learners or who enjoy visual sensory input.

Transitional Aid: Sensory bottles can be used as transitional tools in various situations, such as transitioning between activities or calming down after a challenging experience.

Available in 6 colours Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Pink, Purple. Choose your colour preference in the drop down list.

Bottle is made from durable premium eco-friendly PET Plastic holding a 110ml capacity. Bottle measures 14.5CM x 3CM

** Lids are glued on tight, however take caution and supervise for any potential leaks or lid coming loose.

** 3 years and above

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